We all enjoy the sun and we love tanned skin on the beach or in the pool, or a good cocktail on a summer afternoon, right?
Well, the sun can be our best friend but also our worst enemy ... it depends on what we choose!
The sun can improve our mood and mental health, and also offer us a good dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important for our body because it helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels. These nutrients are necessary to keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. Lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformities, such as rickets in children, and bone pain caused by a condition called osteomalacia in adults.
On the other hand, the list of harmful effects of the sun is a bit longer and you should not neglect it. Sunburn, heat stroke, premature skin aging, brown spots, skin cancer, are side effects of sun exposure that make it our enemy.
But, as I have said before, it is up to us what relationship with the sun we want.
We are going to talk a little about a step that can make the sun our friend, SunScreen Protection or SPF.
It doesn't matter if you have a dark or light pigment, you should wear SPF all the time. Surely you have seen many brands, creams, lotions with different SPF factors and you have wondered which is the best for your skin type. You probably think, like I did for a long time, that SPF50 is the best and if I apply it in the morning or before going to the beach, it will protect me all day.
Well, this is not really true ... Sunscreen blocks approximately 97% of UVB rays if your protection index is 30, and 93% if it is 15. The sun's rays begin to deteriorate the sunscreen as soon as it is applied to the skin, so after two hours you must reapply, no matter what the protection index is. In other words, A higher index does not mean that you can apply your sunscreen less frequently, but rather that it offers you more protection while it is active.
Here is some very important information to keep in mind ... Reapply your sunscreen lotion if you're staying more than two hours on the beach or in the pool and apply it again every time you get out of the water!
Choose your sunscreen lotions carefully. They must have a minimum of 30 in protection factor (SPF30).
Don't forget your lips, they should also be protected from the sun.
Let's enjoy our sunny days protected from skin problems!
Is not difficult ...